Currently in Anchorage, it is not unreasonable to expect any pet to cost approximately $3000 at the time of unexpected illness or surgery. Many people do not realize, until it is too late, that this is not an unusual or extreme case.
Learn more from our pet insurance brochure using the link below.
How does it work?
Does it cover accidents / injuries AND illnesses? The illness part of the coverage must include coverage for chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are illnesses that have long duration but the pet may be able to live a very happy life when managed well. Examples include: heart disease, chronic kidney disease, thyroid conditions, and allergies. Some companies will only cover chronic disease in the policy year that it was diagnosed.
Does it have a maximum payout limit that will cover the worst case scenario costs for Anchorage? The maximum payout limit is the maximum amount of money the insurance company will reimburse you. The payout limit can be based on an annual, lifetime, or per incident basis.
Are there exclusions and requirements? Read the exclusions and requirements so that there are no surprises!
Accident only policies tend to be much cheaper than all the other policies. We do not recommend these policies. The insurance company will often not consider an accident what the owner would consider an accident.
The following is a list of questions that we asked:
- Deducible amount per year and per condition
- % coverage
- Age that coverage ends
- Hereditary or congenital restrictions
- Cost per month
- Cancer coverage
- Pre-existing conditions and how those are determined
- Chronic care of long term diseases
- Routine yearly care included
- Max benefit per year and per condition

1571 Muldoon Rd.
Anchorage, AK 99504
Click here for directions.

Mon - Fri: 8 am - 7 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Phone: 907-333-6591
Fax: 907-337-4311